23 de outubro de 2012

"We could see Effie Trinket's eyes, filled with excitement like she was going to give some great news to someone.
'Ladies first.' She said, with a smile on her face. Some girls were already crying, filled with dispair that one of them would be chosen.
Effie Trinket walked to the bowl full of slips of paper and carefully picked one from the stack. 'Well... Primrose Everdeen!'
All eyes were on Prim, Katniss's sister. I could see Katniss look at Effie in disbelief, cursing her.
'Primrose Everdeen??' Shouted Effie. Prim started walking out of her row, trying to avoid the other girls' looks, small tears coming out of her eyes.
'NO!' Screamed Katniss. 'NO!! PLEASE!!' She ran into Prim's direction, crying. Some of the Peacekeepers tried to stop her.
Then, with all her strength, she said 'I VOLUNTEER!'
That was when my world fell apart."

- Peeta Mellark.